Traffic Division

The Town of Poughkeepsie Police Department’s Traffic Enforcement Division is under the command of Support Services Captain Michael O'Dowd and is comprised of a Sergeant, four Police Officers, and one civilian employee. The main goal of the Traffic Enforcement Division is to help reduce the number of motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents and make the Town of Poughkeepsie's roads and highways safer. This is primarily accomplished by education and enforcement of the Vehicle and Traffic laws of the State of New York and the Town of Poughkeepsie.
The Traffic Enforcement Division maintains a computer database on auto accidents in the Town. These statistics are used to determine where Traffic Officers are deployed.
The Traffic Officers receive advanced training to assist with the investigation of serious injuries and fatal auto accidents. This training includes the understanding of Trigonometry, Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus as they relate to Motor Vehicles. The officers are also trained in Physics, Photography, Evidence Collection, and Interviewing Techniques.
Motorist Complaints
Many traffic-related complaints are directly handled by the Traffic Enforcement Division. The most popular complaint is that of speeding vehicles, followed by motorists failing to stop for stop signs. This is addressed by assigning an officer to monitor these areas and issue summonses for appropriate violations. With the ever-increasing requests for this type of enforcement, Traffic Officers must evaluate these requests and address the problems by priority. Traffic complaints are often addressed by the use of RADAR as well as the enforcement of the Vehicle and Traffic laws of the State of New York and the Town of Poughkeepsie.
Traffic Control & Equipment Maintenance
The Traffic Enforcement Division is also tasked with the upkeep and maintenance of the Town-owned traffic devices. This includes traffic lights and their control units, as well as road signs and parking signs throughout the Town.
The Traffic Enforcement Division also assists with funeral escorts and traffic control at annual Town functions such as parades and community days.
The Traffic Enforcement Division maintains and routinely tests the department’s RADAR units and alcohol enforcement instruments.